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Learn with enthusiasm

Updated: Apr 8

Establishment of the Academy for Teaching Methods
Academy of Learning Methods

I'll be there on the weekend of the 25th-26th. We flew to Berlin in February to take part in the “Learning with Enthusiasm” seminar at the Academy for Learning Methods in Fürstenwalde. It was really a great experience.

I met the head of the academy, Jens Voigt, personally and was very enthusiastic about what he did, invented, developed and taught, so that the children learned very easily. He has been working in the education sector since 1984 and has worked primarily as a qualified sports and geography teacher from high school to primary school.

Jens has been intensively involved in memory training and memory jogging since 1995. In 2005 he developed a new, very efficient memory technique, the ALMUT technique. In 2006 he founded the company “Lernwerkstatt Voigt”. It later became the Academy for Teaching Methods (in German).

He met Dr. Dieter Böhm and Vera F. Birkenbihl personally and through them were able to improve the perception techniques he had developed.

In 2011, he developed the “NAS technology” learning method, thanks to which many students successfully completed their studies and were able to retain the learning material for a long time.

So I had the privilege of meeting Jens Voigt and his daughter Anne in Fürstenwalde.

Jens Voigt and Marco Glaesener with the academy logo in the background
Jens Voigt and Marco Glaesener

Jens is also a master at mind mapping. During the seminar he explained to us how to read and create mind maps. Thanks to one of his mind maps, I learned a lot about Ludwig van Beethoven's life in a very short time.

He showed us how to use ABC lists and we had fun with it. He introduced us to some educational games that he had developed himself. Learning can be really fun!

At school we learn consciously. But we could also appeal to our subconscious from elementary school onwards. Jens showed us how to learn passively and reactivate what we have learned. His labyrinth also played a role.

The Fürstenwalde labyrinth
the maze

Later we also discovered his ALMUT technique. Using this technique, he showed us how we can easily remember 25 German personalities.

Certificate from Jens Voigt, from the “Learning with Enthusiasm” seminar
Certificate from the Academy of Learning Methods

With Jens Voigt I have finally found someone who shares my vision (learning to learn from primary school onwards) (or vice versa). I would like to encourage all teachers to attend at least one of this wonderful man's seminars (in German). Nobody can regret it! But it would be better to decide about your education now. It takes one to two years in which you learn to teach with enthusiasm and how and when to teach and with which teaching method. Click on this sentence ! (in German)

By showing our children how to learn, many things change in the medium or long term, and even for the better! I am convinced !

So I had the privilege of meeting Jens Voigt and his daughter Anne in Fürstenwalde.

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