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Updated: Jul 27

A man is reading in a book
Man with book

Paul R. Scheele developed PhotoReading, a teaching method that enables phenomenal speeds. The goal was to master the flood of information that we encounter every day. PhotoReading technology enables reading speeds of up to 30,000 words per minute with a very high level of comprehension. The PhotoReading technique is so simple that anyone can learn it.

There are 5 steps to photoreading;

  1. Preparation

  2. Overview

  3. Photo reading

  4. Activation

  5. Quick reading

1. Preparation

Thorough preparation is necessary to get in the mood and stay curious .

The most important thing is to get rid of the prejudices of traditional reading. After that, you can move on to PhotoReading. Initially, doubts and fears will make the use of this technology difficult. But with more practice, confidence in PhotoReading grows.

Try to think of PhotoReading as a game. This game holds the fantastic possibilities of a new method that is worth exploring.

Take your time to read photo and make sure you are not disturbed. Have a pen and a piece of paper ready.

Put learning material, such as a book, on a table in front of you! Make sure your workplace is adequately lit.

Check out the book! What is the topic of the book and what benefits do you expect from it? This is how you communicate the meaning of the book to your subconscious. Once you understand the meaning of the book, start to relax. To do this, close your eyes and let your thoughts flow freely.

When you feel ready, count down from 10 to 1. With each number you become calmer and more relaxed. Your breathing becomes calmer and more even. When you're at 1, think of something beautiful, like a sunset or a beautiful experience from your past.

This relaxation technique brings you into the alpha state; This is a relaxed state of increased attention in which one can learn particularly well.

Remember why you want to read the book in front of you and open your eyes.

2. Overview

The next step is to get an overview of the book. To do this, read the title of the book, the cover pages and the table of contents. If there is a short biography of the author, read that too, even if you don't normally do so. This will help you familiarize yourself with the book.

Then leaf through the book from cover to cover. For example, certain words catch your eye because they occur frequently or because they are written in bold or italics. Write down these so-called trigger words. In this way, the subconscious is sensitized to these words.

When you're finished, read your notes again. Try to describe the contents of the book in two to three short sentences.

3. PhotoRead

Now the actual photo reading begins.

Relax and ensure you have a relaxed sitting position! Place the book in front of you so that you can read it comfortably. but don't open the book yet.

Close your eyes and relax! Take a deep breath and let your thoughts flow! Imagine you are holding an orange in your hand; Try feeling the orange in your hand and smelling the scent! Can you remember the taste of an orange? Take the orange and move it towards the back of your head. Now let go of the orange; Since it is a magical orange, it sticks firmly to the back of the head.

Now it can begin. Open your eyes and go to the first page of the book.

There are several ways to read photos:

  1. Read the book as if it were a "stereogram"! To do this, look through the book, try to focus on a point far beyond the book. If you adjust your gaze correctly, you won't be able to see the letters clearly. In the middle of the book there appears a kind of third page that is significantly narrower than the normal book pages. Try to maintain this look throughout the PhotoReading step.

  2. Imagine a cross across the page of the book, ending in the corners of the book. Try to see all four corners and the center of the book. Even with this option, you cannot see the letters clearly.

Leave through the entire book page by page with a steady eye! Try to maintain a constant speed! In the beginning, it's a good idea to turn the pages every two to three seconds. Later you can vary the speed and adapt it to your needs. While you turn the pages, distract yourself by, for example, reciting a short poem or motivational formula over and over again. This prevents the conscious mind from engaging with the reading material; The text should be absorbed by the subconscious. Read photo!

Stay relaxed and focused as you turn page after page!

When you reach the end of the book, the first thing you should do is relax and congratulate yourself on your successful reading. Tell yourself how excited you are to integrate the content into your consciousness. Don't ask yourself any questions about the content yet; At this point you cannot consciously know anything about it. For this reason, you should focus on something else first. In order to process what it has read, the brain needs a so-called incubation period of at least one hour. It's better to wait until the next day.

4. Activation

After PhotoReading, your conscious mind still knows nothing about the content of the book you read. That is normal. The information was absorbed by the subconscious, which then processed it independently. The next step is to bring the information from the subconscious into the conscious mind to actually make it usable. This step is called activation and there are several techniques for doing this, including the following:

First you should relax again. In a relaxed state, you begin then to ask yourself questions about the reading material. Then scan the entire text at a quick pace by moving your gaze to the middle of the pages. If you find yourself drawn to a particular place, read it more closely. Resist the temptation to read the text in its entirety! Now try to write down everything that comes to mind about the title or topic of the book! It is best to develop a Mind Map for this purpose, as this involves both hemispheres of the brain The brain is used equally and the brain is stimulated to make associations. Don't invest much more than 10 minutes in these notes or the mind map.

Now play with your book a little, but don't stress yourself out. Ask yourself questions about the content and look them up if necessary. Your subconscious gives you clues about where to find the information you want. Be sure to avoid thinking too much, this part is supposed to be fun.

5. Quick reading

Quick Read gives you the opportunity to learn more about to read the text and bring it into your consciousness. This will further increase your understanding of the content.

To do this, quickly read the text from beginning to end without stopping! Read at a pace that suits you, without pressure, but not as slowly as usual! You can vary your reading speed, such as skipping familiar paragraphs and reading passages that contain new information more carefully.

Other useful information:

Sometimes it makes sense to turn the book over after the PhotoReading step and leaf through it upside down again. This technique activates the subconscious even more, as the conscious mind cannot do anything with the upside down text. If you wish, you can leaf through the book normally again, but this time from back to front.

While you read photo, listen to quiet, relaxing music (classical music, meditation music etc.). This can help keep the brain in the alpha state. In this state, learning works particularly well.

PhotoReading requires a lot of regular practice. Finally, with the PhotoReading method you save a lot of time and can process more reading material.

This text was translated by Google Translator.

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