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This is how you organize your learning!

Updated: Apr 8

Material collection. Still work. Everyone can learn in peace. +5 and 20 minutes. We're in the hallway.
Organize learning

How do you learn? Do you just sit down and start learning? Do you have a plan? How do you organize yourself?

If you don't know how to study, you usually don't sit at your desk until your parents tell you that you have to study. But you probably don't want it. Then you take your books and notebooks out of your school bag and take a look at the booklet to see what you need to learn. Maybe you can also put the learning materials in front of you to get started ! But if that doesn't interest you, you get distracted and see what's happening on TikTok. At some point you realize that time is running out and you want to start learning.

Then you read the first lines and the headings. But your thoughts are not on this topic. You're still thinking about the videos you just watched. Your thoughts move further and further away from what needs to be learned. You look out the window and watch the birds or cars outside. You hope so much that the time for learning is over. Yes, you have to go out to eat. A good thing! After dinner, watch a little TV with your brothers or sisters. Then you have to shower. You walk past the office again and think: I don't actually need that for tomorrow. I can learn it another time. Then you put your things back in your school bag without having learned anything.

You are not the only one who experiences such a scenario every day. Most of your friends feel the same way. But how do you get out of this vicious circle?

You have to organize yourself. Yes, you have to have a plan. And you need a goal.

You will now say: But organizing a plan also takes a lot of time. I definitely learn faster if I start right away.

You're right: developing a plan (in German) takes time. But think about it ; If you start learning right away, you just learn. You get distracted very quickly because you don't actually want to. If you don't have a goal, you have nowhere to go and no reason to continue! If you don't have a plan for what you need to learn, you'll quickly find yourself stuck because you don't know where to start and where to continue.

So take five to ten minutes to get organized. When you are organized, you stay more focused and want to achieve your goal! This way you will learn much faster and more efficiently.

  1. Start by setting a goal! When would you like to finish your learning ? Imagine that you studied well and passed your exam very well. Or you have a presentation. So imagine how surprised everyone is that you know so much. You are proud of yourself. If there is a lot to learn, set small goals that are all easy to achieve! Create a mental map ! Write your main goal in the middle of a sheet and the small goals around it! Yes, write down your goals and hang them up where you can see them. If you only think about your goals in your head, you won't get anywhere. Your subconscious needs to recognize that you are really serious. Always start by setting a goal and envision success!

  2. Then write down in your calendar when and how long you want to study. Use the Pomodoro Technique! Study for 25 minutes and then take a five minute break ! You can do this up to four times. Tell your family not to disturb you in your room at these times! Stick to your schedule ! If you want, you can listen to music while you study. This radio helps you get into the ideal alpha state. Also think about which learning methods you want to use! If you plan your learning this way, you'll probably even enjoy it.

If you need to study for a test or exam, start planning your study schedule as soon as you know the date! Always be prepared !

If you need help setting your goals or setting up your learning program, contact me !

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