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Here you will find books (you can also read a lot about them at Audible) about different teaching methods, but also about non-violent communication, which in my opinion should be taught in primary school. One way to autonomous learning! 

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Non-violent communication

A smiling girl who confides in an adult. Text: I want to understand what you really need: non-violent communication with children. The Giraffe Dream Project - With a foreword by Marshall B. Rosenberg - Updated and expanded new edition
Parents who kiss their child and are happy. Green and yellow text bubbles. Text: Non-violent communication with children: Stay in touch with your child - despite anger, arguments and crises
two drawn children laughing and talking to each other and holding hands. Yellow cover. Text: Non-violent communication with children and adolescents in puberty: Solving conflicts and understanding feelings with giraffe language - for more empathy and appreciation instead of aggression and anger
Colorful cover in rainbow shape. Text: Non-violent communication in school: How appreciation can succeed. A learning and exercise book for all those who live in schools and work
Parents kneeling, child is between them. The parents hug their child. above them floats a bright red heart. Cover blue. Text: Non-violent communication with children: Resolving conflicts respectfully & empathetically

In this digital age, it is extremely important that we learn how to talk to each other with more empathy. Speaking with empathy also means being able to listen well. We don't always have to yell at our children or punish them. We can also communicate with them non-violently. This type of communication should, in my opinion, already be applied in primary school. If our children learn early on how to communicate with each other, they can be the best neighbors, leaders, and friends as adults. They can be better people tomorrow than we are today. 


Balanced Objects


Green cover. Human head in different colors. Text: The key to perfect memory.
cover is yellow and white. Soduku box. butterflies are depicted on two. Text: The 50 best mnemonic and memory techniques (Don Bosco MiniSpielothek)
green cover. Photo of a man who thinks. Text: Erfolg-Gedächtnis: How to remember numbers, names, facts, vocabulary simply better
Black head. In Gegirnhöhe it becomes colorful. Text: Train your memory with the help of mnemonics
blue cover. white head someone on ladder fills the contents of the head. Text: Lightning-fast learning made easy: 40+ expert techniques for rapid knowledge acquisition and memory training. A complete guide for beginners to systematically cut learning times in half

When I first read the book "The key to perfect memory" by Timo Mistler, I was amazed at how easy it is to memorize learning material in the short or long term. I have tried many of the exercises described in the book myself. That's why I know these methods work.

I once had clippings from the memorial to study for an exam. If you have read the memorial once, you know that the text is written in a boring way and is not interesting at all. I applied a loci technique while learning. In fact, I connected key words from the text with objects from my room in a very funny way. In the exam, I just imagined my room and looked around. Then I answered the questions with a grin and was able to submit my papers after 30 minutes. Result: 14.3 out of 15 points!

Stationary photo

Mind mapping

A young woman draws a Min Map with pictures. White cover. Text: Creative mind mapping: methods for creatively creating practical mind maps (coaching)
Yellow cover. red Smiley in the middle. a Mind Map under the Smiley, in the middle; Today. Text: The Little Mind Map Book: Die Denkhilfe, die Ihr Leben verändert
Bubbles of different sizes in orange, which are connected with thin lines. Text: The Mind Map Book: The best method for increasing your mental potential
black cover. a circle drawn in the middle with chalk. In the circle stands; Mind Map. white arrows go from the circle in all directions.
blue cover. Mind map in black. in the middle is Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Around the circle in the middle are pictures; Face, folder, calendar, light bulb, blackboard. Text: Mind Mapping: The creative work technique: Playful learning and organizing

I myself use mind mapping mainly to prepare speeches. But also for projects, such as: I wish that all our children would be taught the various teaching techniques from primary school onwards.

In order to achieve this, I would of course also like to go to the Minister of Education to discuss the possible steps with him. When that moment comes, I don't want to be unprepared.

That's why I already have some mind maps ready, where I can explain and show him my vision. For example, I have a mind map where I think how the teaching methods could be incorporated in the different cycles. In my opinion, another mind map shows quite precisely what role the government plays in this and the steps it has to take in order to realize all this. 

Photo-reading and speed-reading

Book opened with speedometer, pointer on maximum. Cover red-orange. Text: Proven speed reading techniques: This is how you read 300 pages in an hour (with maximum text comprehension). A complete guide for beginners
In every corner, a picture: an open book with a hand holding it, a gear wheel with a hand pointing at it, a brain with lots of pictures of fruit and vegetables, a head, where someone with a ladder holds the contents more of the head. Text: Productivity Complete Set - The Big 4 in 1 Book: Proven Speed-Reading Techniques | Lightning fast learning | Work more productively Eating for cognitive energy
four books stacked on top of each other. The top book flaps with the pages, so that letters from the book are turned up. Text: Speed Reading: Schneller lesen - mehr verstehen - besser behalten
a human head, cut open on the side, in which there are shelves full of books. Text: SPEED READING - from reading muffler to reading rat: read faster, increase concentration and learn better
Cover blue. In the middle, a pair of black glasses. Text: The 5 Pillars of Speed Reading: 79 brilliant techniques for beginners. This is how you read 250+ pages in 1 hour with maximum text comprehension

Photo-reading is the first teaching technique I learned and used. I remember that one day my mother gave me a newspaper article to read.

That article took up a little more than half a page of space. I looked at the article while my mother was talking to me. In less than a minute I understood the article and was able to discuss it with my mother. I was even able to show her one mistake in the article.

My mother was really surprised that I had taken so little time to read the article. However, I was more puzzled than she was. At that time I had only bought Paul Scheele's book a few months before.

White Structure

The Vera Birkenbihl Method

A boy and a girl wave together. They are drawn. Text: boys and girls: how they learn: What differences in learning style you must know. With learning module reading and writing
Kopf had straw as a brain. Text: Straw in the head
Blue cover. Text: Brain-correct language learning: ...with the method of Vera F. Birkenbihl
Silhouette of a human body, with a traffic light drawn in the trunk. Cover light yellow and white. Text: Signals of the body
Language learning made easy. a kind of mind map. Colored.

Unfortunately, I have to admit that I have not yet tried Vera Birkenbihl's method myself. I didn't have the desire to learn another foreign language until now. But I have read some of his books. I understand this technique because it is logical.

Mastering a foreign language without learning grammar and vocabulary. It seems the first moment is unimaginable to us. But Vera Birkenbihl explained in her books that we ourselves did not learn our mother langage by learning grammar and vocabulary. When we were still in our mothers' wombs, we already caught up with our language a little. As babies and children we listened to the language and spoke it until we got it right. There was nothing to do with learning grammar or vocabulary. And yet we know our language very well. With Vera Birkenbihl's method, we can master another language faster and better than if we learn it in a traditional way. And then we can also think in the other language.


Vedic mathematics

Bright red cover with blue stripe. Text: Blitz - Mathematics with the Vedic System: Second Edition
two hands with spread fingers. Each finger has a number on it. The cover is green with brown stripes. Text: Der Matheknüller
Green cover of a book. Martin Schulze. Possibilities of using alternative calculation methods of Vedic mathematics in elementary school
Math without numbers. Colored cubes, prisms, balls, triangles, etc. fly around the text.
Grosse Schrift: Das Mammutbuch Mathematik. Behind it hides a mammoth, which cautiously leans out.

Mathematics is one subject that really doesn't appeal to everyone. I also didn't enjoy maths much when I was in school. That's why I got a little carried away when I researched learning methods for this subject.

It was in a book on speed learning that I came across Vedic mathematics. In that book there were several examples listed, which I found so simple and logical that I became more interested in them.

Like any teaching technique, Vedic mathematics is not a miracle cure, but this method helps a lot. One learns how, for example, to calculate larger multiplications in one's head. Fractions, squares, percentages, cubes and equations can also be calculated with ease. That is why I am in favor of teaching Vedic mathematics already in primary school. With the option of considering other systems that may be just as good or better to handle. Always with the idea that school should be more fun!

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Speed learning

Speed learning. by Sven Frank. Tachometer with pointer almost at maximum.
The secret of the best grade. A boy sits in front of his laptop. Around his head buzz noisy things like a light bulb, a pencil, a diagram, text bubbles, etc.. Beside him on the table is a cup of steaming tea.
Great learning. Human head without hair with drawings.

Here I found some compact books that could show how our primary schools could be organized so that learning and going to school would be much more fun.

Of course, this means changes and adjustments. But in my opinion, every effort is worth it if we can see that our children like to go to school, that they like to learn and even enjoy it, and that they learn a profession that really suits them. However, these methods do not only help our children. Teachers and parents also benefit from this. The teachers have much less depression and the parents, if they are not working, have more time to do something with their children (because the children need less time to learn).

Once the teaching methods are established in the primary school, one we consider to integrate sports more into the school program. But that is the next step.

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